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Whale diary

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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our Classic Whale Watching tours from Reykjavík have been CANCELLED today!

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    passengers on a whale watching cruise
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    We set off this morning towards the islands and onwards to Hvalfjörður looking for cetaceans. We saw many interesting birds, but unfortunately no whales or dolphins, so we offered complimentary tickets to everyone on board, for a second chance at seeing the wildlife in our bay. The afternoon tour was cancelled due to weather.

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    minke whale
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    Today was busy, so we sailed out on two boats all day! In the morning we found a minke whale and a very large group of feeding white-beaked dolphins. In the afternoon we saw about 10 harbour porpoises and 2-4 minke whales, but one of the boats only had quick encounters, so all passengers were offered complimentary tickets.

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    minke whale
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    We spotted a minke whale after about an hour this morning and on the way back home we also saw 7 harbour porpoises. In the afternoon we again found a few harbour porpoises and minke whale in the same area as this morning, but due to the quick duration of the sightings, we offered complimentary tickets to all passengers.

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    humpback whale fluke
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    This morning we found a small pod of 4 white-beaked dolphins as well as a fin from a minke whale passing by. We then saw a massive blow, from a humpback whale (Davy Jones II)! In the afternoon we found a few white-beaked dolphins and quick harbour porpoises, but decided to offer all our passengers complimentary tickets.

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    orcas in iceland
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    This morning we quickly found a harbour porpoise and soon after found a minke whale that surfaced quickly. A while later we were surprised by a pod of orcas that surfaced calmly, coming close multiple times. In the afternoon we found a pod of 7-8 white-beaked dolphins that started bow riding and later we found some puffins!

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    humpback whale
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    This morning, we soon encountered a minke whale in the calm conditions. Not long after, the blow of a humpback whale appeared and then a pod of 6 feeding white-beaked dolphins. In the afternoon, we spotted a pod of white-beaked dolphins, some pairs of mothers with their babies, being social and playful in the sun!


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    humpback whale fluke
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    In the morning we saw several white-beaked dolphins. In the afternoon, we soon found a minke whale and 2 harbour porpoises. We then saw a second minke whale and the first puffin of the year! We also found 10 white-beaked dolphins and finally a humpback whale (Davy Jones II), returning to the bay for the 4th year in a row!


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    Today, we had a windy but sunny morning! We had some northern fulmars following us with the wind, maybe indicating that we were in a productive area. Unfortunately we couldn't find any other wildlife, so we gave out complimentary tickets so our passengers can try again! The afternoon tour was cancelled due to weather.

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    Dark clouds with exclamation point.
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    • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00
    Due to unfavourable conditions, all our Classic Whale Watching tours from Reykjavík have been CANCELLED today!
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    landscape esjan mountain
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    This morning we sailed into the wind, trying our luck again in between the islands. A harbour porpoise made a brief appearance but quickly disappeared. We had a few green faces on board, and as we did not have any more sightings, we handed out complimentary tickets! The afternoon tour was cancelled due to weather.

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    birds on a wall
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    We set off this morning battling strong winds as we sailed to the islands where we had seen wildlife in the last months. Unfortunately our efforts proved unsuccessful, so we handed out complimentary tickets, in hopes that our passengers can try their luck with us some other day! The afternoon tour was cancelled due to weather.

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    humpback whale peduncle throw
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    This morning we sailed out in swell and sun that turned into snow, to rain and sun again! On the way out we saw 2 quick harbour porpoises before finding a humpback whale (Frodo). She came up multiple times and always stayed close and even did a peduncle throw, to our delight! The afternoon tour was cancelled due to weather.

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    As we were passing by Engey island this morning, we noticed a blow near its shore - it was Frodo the humpback whale! She was in a very shallow place but managed to show off her signature fluke dives. In the afternoon we found Frodo again, and this time she came very close to our boatt and swam all around us!

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    humpback whale breaching
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    After 30 min sailing this morning, we found a humpback whale (Frodo) between the islands, doing beautiful fluke dives. In the afternoon we found 3-4 harbour porpoises quickly surfing past us. Our captain then spotted the back of a minke whale and it wasn't too long before we also spotted Frodo that did 3 full body breaches!

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    humpback whale
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    We sailed out into a calm bay this morning. We found our friendly resident humpback whale (Frodo) after only a few minutes! In the afternoon we found the humpback whale again, close to Viðey island. Then, we saw a big curved dorsal fin in the distance; it was a minke whale! It came up very regularly and was quite easy to follow.

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    humpback whale fluke
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    This morning we braved the waves and found a humpback whale (Frodo) lunge feeding before doing an impressive peduncle throw! In the afternoon we headed to the same area as this morning and came across 2 harbour porpoises before finally spotting Frodo again, lunge feeding, close to a little island called Akurey!

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    humpback whale fluke
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    It didn't take long to find a humpback whale (Frodo), this morning. We saw lots of nice fluke dives and then out of nowhere; many peduncle throws, multiple tail slaps and a breach! The afternoon tour saw Frodo again, this time lunge feeding and surfacing close to shore before breaching, and again, tail slapping multiple times! WOW!

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    humpback whale rolling feeding
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    This morning, the sea was as flat as a lake and it almost felt like summer! It didn't take long until we found our friend Frodo, the humpback whale! The afternoon was the same, after a short ride we found Frodo once more, when an eagle-eyed passenger spotted a breach of a minke whale! We also saw 2 harbour porpoises nearby!

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    humpback whale
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    The sea was glass this morning, which is great for wildlife spotting! After about 30 minutes, we found a humpback whale (Frodo) near Engey island! We saw beautiful fluke dives and even a peduncle throw. We also saw 7-8 feeding harbour porpoises! In the afternoon we found Frodo again as soon as we left the harbour!