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Whale diary

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    humpback whale in front of viðey
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    Not too long into the morning tour, we spotted a humpback whale (Frodo). After a while we sailed further and found another 2 humpback whales, likely a mother and calf! In the afternoon we encountered a beautiful humpback whale right next to Skarfabakki pier. We saw its fluke a few times and even a spy hop!

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    This morning we had the taste of a summer day! Right after we left the harbour, we spotted a big blow belonging to a humpback whale (Frodo)! It came so close and was even a bit stinky after feeding. The afternoon was equally enjoyable as we found a humpback whale (Frodo) doing fluke dives, lunge feeds and rolling! 

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    humpback whale
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    We very quickly found a humpback whale (Frodo) and 2-3 harbour porpoises on the morning tour. In the afternoon spotted a humpback whale (Frodo) before being surprised by a minke whale surfacing close by our boat! We then found a pod of 10-12 feeding white-beaked dolphins, with 2 little calves! Very impressive tour!

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    We left the marina in the morning as the conditions had improved significantly from the evening before. 15 minutes into the tour we found a humpback whale (Frodo) doing several rolls that left everybody impressed. In the afternoon we found a humpback whale (Frodo) doing amazing fluke dives and even a peduncle throw!

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    After some 20 minutes fighting the wind this morning, we saw a humpback whale (Frodo) feeding. It eventually came super close to our boat and even pooped, leaving a smelly trail on the surface.. In the afternoon we encountered a humpback whale (Frodo) just 10 minutes into the tour and stayed with it for a good little while.

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    humpback whale
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    We found a humpback whale (Frodo) feeding very actively this morning and soon found a second humpback whale (Pongo), going for beautiful fluke dives. In the afternoon we sailed to our usual hotspot, but found no cetaceans. We continued further and saw 3 harbour porpoises and then found a humpback whale (Frodo)!

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    humpback whale
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    Our first encounter of the day was within 10min - it was a humpback whale (Frodo) and a pod of 5 harbour porpoises passing by. Not far we found another humpback whale (Pongo)! In the afternoon it again took only 10min to find a humpback whale (Frodo) that later breached twice and came extremely close to our boat!

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    Despite morning rain clouds, we encountered a pod of 10-15 white-beaked dolphins, providing close-up views and playful interactions. In the afternoon, we were surrounded by a larger pod of 25 dolphins and witnessed the majestic presence of Pongo, a humpback whale. Additionally, we glimpsed four harbor porpoises and enjoyed a stunning rainbow backdrop.

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    Not too far into the morning tour we spotted a pod of 15-20 white-beaked dolphins! They came to greet us, jumped all around us and even came up to bow ride. In the afternoon, despite our best efforts and beautiful weather, we did not find any wildlife besides seabirds, so we offered complimentary tickets to our passengers!

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    humpback whale
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    We saw multiple pods of white-beaked dolphins this morning, probably a total of 30-40 individuals, resting and possibly hunting for fish. Soon after we found a humpback whale! In the afternoon we again found the white-beaked dolphins gathered in a huge pod. They came really close to us and some were riding the bow of our boat!

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    humpback whale peduncle throw
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    We had cold winds this morning, but lots of sunshine! Only 15min after departure spotted a humpback whale (Frodo) before we saw 6 harbour porpoises in two separate pods. In the afternoon we quickly found a humpback whale, it did several tail slaps, as well as a peduncle throw and later it did several rolls while feeding!

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    This morning we sailed out onto a calm sea and spotted a humpback whale (Frodo) after 10 minutes! We also ended up finding a pod of 5 harbour porpoises! This afternoon continued with glorious sunshine, we headed out and soon found our current resident humpback whale (Frodo) again and a pod of harbour porpoises!

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    minke whale
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    This morning we saw the first minke whale of the year within 10 minutes! Not long after we saw 2 humpback whales! In the afternoon we found the same humpback whales (Frodo & Pongo) as this morning. They were busy logging, rolling and feeding in between beautiful fluke dives. We also saw 3 grey seals looking at Frodo!

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    viðey island
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    We left the harbour looking for wildlife in difficult weather. As we had luck with whales close to shore lately, we decided to give it a try and prioritise the comfort of our passengers. Despite our best efforts, the morning tour only saw a couple of harbour porpoises, so we ended up issuing complimentary tickets on both tours..

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    We spotted our first humpback whale (Pongo) right as we left the harbour this morning. It did a peduncle throw and then breached 5x, before we found another humpback whale. In the afternoon we saw a humpback whale resting on the surface (it later breached 2x and did peduncle throws) and then a second humpback whale

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    humpback whale and passenger boat eldey in front of viðey island
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    We ventured to the islands this morning to find a total of 4 feeding humpback whales. In the afternoon we spotted our first humpback whale within 15 minutes. It would sometimes roll over and we could even see fish jumping out of the water before the whale could eat them! We then found another humpback whale.

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    This morning was incredible and we saw 3 humpback whales in total - we witnessed tail- and pec slaps as well as multiple breaches! In the afternoon we also saw 3 humpback whales, one if which came very close and even swam under our boat and the others were feeding and logging! We then spotted a very fast harbour porpoise

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    eldey humpback close to viðey island
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    As we left the harbour this morning, we saw 3 humpback whales feeding very close to Viðey island! In the afternoon we quickly found 2 humpback whales in the distance, and as we got closer we could see that they were rolling and feeding! We could also spot about 3 grey seals, looking at us very curiously. A perfect day!

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    humpback whale snout
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    About 15 minutes into the morning tour, we spotted 3 humpback whales! Two were busy lunge feeding and rolling and the third was logging. Same story in the afternoon, we had 3 humpback whales (Ekki, Frodo and Pongo) after 15 minutes of sailing! We decided to move on and then spotted humpback whale number 4! 

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    humpback whale and passengers
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    This morning, a humpback whale breached out of the blue! We then found 2 more humpback whales and then we had another breach, a peduncle throw and a roll! There were also 5 harbour porpoises that popped up and 1 grey seal. In the afternoon we found 3 humpback whales (Ekki, Frodo and Pongo) and one of them breached!