IMAGINE PEACE TOWER relighting ceremony

Fri, 10/09/2015 - 16:47

9 October FREE ferry to Viðey island

Tonight, Friday 9 October 2015, the Imagine Peace Tower will be relit once again on John Lennon's date of birth. This year would have been his 75th birthday!

As previous years, Yoko Ono will invite guests to join the illumination ceremony free of charge. The programme starts at 17:30 and will last until around 21:30. 

Complimentary bus service from Hlemmur Square to ferry point, from 17:15 and from then on every 20 minutes until 19:00. Ferry departures from Skarfabakki pier, starting at 17:30 until 19:20.


10 October - 8 December

From Saturday 10 October - 8 December the guided Imagine Peace tours will be up and running everyday at 20:00. There will also be a few extra departures on selected dates in late December, February and March. For more information on the tour, please see here.