
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 1 August 2008

Tour at 17:00

It was still very good out at sea: a lot of minke whales all around us, couple surfacing together, some approached us even les than 30 meters and we had the chance to spot the same humpback whale again. It was really relaxed towards us, slowly surfacing and coming towards us, then passing under the boat to surface on the other side. Really great!


Tour at 13:00

The weather go even better the morning one. The sea was even more flat and we had a great group of whales out at sea. In fact, we ended up in a place where we spotted more than 10 minke whales and a humpback whale. The minke whales all converged to this area while the humpback whale started feeding. A very large flock of birds were there as well, birds were feeding, mainly lesser black backed gulls and kittiwakes and puffins. Then suddenly, the humpback whale approached us underwater and it jumped in front of us with the mouth open, vertuically. Another time it rolled underwater and came up with its pink belly full of fish. We spotted as well al least 5 minke whales which were lunge feeding as well and one of those jumped with mouth open just 50 meter at 9 o'clock. One of the best tour we had so far!


Tour at 9:00

We had a very nice weather today: the sea was calm and flat and the visibility was excellent. We had two main sightings: in the first area we had aound five minke whales, feeding close to a group of feeding birds and in the vicinity of that group we spotted as well some white-beaked dolphins which were really playful. After that, we headed on and we found another group of al least 20 minke whales. The whales were so many aorund us that we didn't know where to look and some times, since there were so many whales, in happended to spotted even 5 minke whales surfacing together! And four indiivduals were also lunge feeding just few meters far from us.