Friday, 25 April 2008

Tour at 13:00

Again we had fantastic weather in the afternoon and perfect whale watching conditions. There was no wind and we could easily spot the whales from far away. Like this morning the whales were close to land and after sailing just  a short time  we spotted the first minke whales. During the tour we saw at least four, possibly six whales and three of them were very very close to the boat. There was one whale especially which we enjoyed watching very much because it was swimming so slowly and so close to the boat. All the time we were surrounded by the little cute harbour porpoises which aren't shy at all these days. A very nice day!

Trip at 9:00

Nice weather conditions: flat sea, weak winds and Harbour Porpoises and 4 to 5 Minke Whales were clearly visible! Even the air temperature was higher than yesterday so everybody could enjoy seascape and those sea mammals. Smooth trip!