Sunday, 31 August 2008

Tour at 17:00

It was a nice afternoon out on the bay. The sea was very calm and the weather was allright too, a little rain but nothing too bad ;-) We saw a group of white-beaked dolphins first, spotted the splashes on the surface and headed over there. They were very nice, bow-riding and swimming under the boat. We also saw several minke whales very well, and at one point there were four minkes surfacing at the same time on our starboard side! When we sailed back to the harbour we could enjoy a beautiful rainbow. One of the rainbow-ends were near Reykjavík and the other ended on the sea in front of Akrafjall mountain. One of the passengers commented that in our case there wasn't a pot of gold at the end ot the rainbow, just a whole bunch of minke whales :-)


Tour at 13:00

Pretty soon after we got out on the bay we spotted our first group of white-beaked dolphins. They were very nice and we watched them for a while. Then we spotted some minke whales also and another group of white beaked dolphins on our way back to the harbour.


Tour at 9:00

The whales moved closer to the coast and quite soon after we left the harbour we spotted the first two minke whales. They were pretty good "whale watching whales". Soon we had some more around the boat but rather a bit away from the boat. We saw a huge blow in a distance but couldn´t find the whales to which it belongs. Instead we found a nice group of white-beaked dolphins which we enjoyed watching. They liked bowriding and seemed to inspekt our boat. But the passenger had to show patience till we spotted again two minke whales before we had to finish the tour!