
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 4 September 2008

Tour at 13:00

Its sunny and the sea is still calm. A Minke whale is traveling with us at the beginning of our tour. We also met a group of Harbour porpoises. Later there were many Minke whales around and shortly we saw also the White beaked dolphins, but they were fast and didnt show interesst to approach us, they disappeared in the waves. When we head back there were some Harbour porpoises visible again. Beautiful tour.


Tour at 9:00

Report from Elding: This was a beautifukl morning, the sun was shining in between the clouds and the sea was calm. We spotted several nice minke whales and got some good sightings. There were also plenty of white-beaked dolphins around, and one group approached us and bow-rided for quite some time. That's always very pleasant. We also spotted a big group of harbour porpoises and they were pretty approachable, not as shy as normally. It was a very nice tour :-)

Report from Hafsúlan: Its a little bit foggy, but the sea is very calm. We spotted a group of White beaked dolphins which approached us and we were able to see them under water traveling just next to the boat and also surfing. Later we met a Minke whale calf and also some adults Minke whales. The sound of their breath was very good today, as there was almost no wind. The White beaked dolphins approached us again. On the way back we shortly saw a group of Harbour porpoises. Nice tour!