Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 2/9
Weather conditions: E 6m/s, 9°C 
Cloud cover: Partly clouded
Moon status: Waxing Crescent,, illumination: 7%

Tour at 21:00

Report from Eldey: Tours like today are always very pleasant, despite the fact that there were no lights. The sea conditions were very calm, the temperatures comfortable and the sky clear enough to see many bright stars. It certainly seemed like everyone was enjoying the relaxing atmosphere and had a good evening. Of course we would have liked to bring it to the next level with some northern lights, but, naturally, we have no influence on that. Thus, everyone could get a complimentary ticket to come out for another one of our northern lights cruises within the next two years to enjoy seeing the "fire in the sky".

- Sabrina Voswinkel