Code of Conduct

code of conduct - approaching whales

Code of Conduct for Responsible Whale Watching

At Elding, we are committed to ensuring that our whale watching tours have minimal impact on the marine environment while providing the best possible experience for both our guests and the animals we encounter.

As a founding member of IceWhale (Icelandic Association of Whale Watchers), we played a key role in developing the Code of Conduct for Responsible Whale Watching, set in place in 2015, which serves as the industry standard in Iceland today.

Since there are no regulations on whale watching in Iceland, we felt it was important to establish clear guidelines to protect wildlife and promote sustainable interactions with cetaceans. By minimizing disturbance and respecting their natural behavior, whales are more likely to return to the bay, which not only supports their wellbeing but also leads to better and more frequent sightings on our tours.

Why It Matters

The Code of Conduct ensures ethical encounters, and raises awareness about responsible whale watching. Early on, we recognized the need to take this commitment even further, and as a result, we have also implemented our own, stricter guidelines.

Whales and dolphins are wild animals, and human activities can influence their behaviour, stress levels, and even their long-term survival. Our approach is to ensure that every interaction is on their terms, avoiding unnecessary disturbance and allowing them to continue their natural behaviors undisturbed.

Guidelines for Responsible Whale Watching:

Approaching Whales and Dolphins

Maintain a slow and steady approach, avoiding sudden movements or changes in direction. Always approach from the side at an angle, never head-on or from behind. Keep a minimum distance of 300 meters when first spotting a whale and reduce speed accordingly. If a whale or dolphin chooses to approach our boat, we allow them to do so while remaining stationary whenever possible.

Speed and Noise Control

Reduce speed to 5-6 knots when within 300 meters of cetaceans. Avoid excessive engine noise, revving, or unnecessary maneuvering near animals. Always keep a steady speed if dolphins choose to bow-ride, rather than trying to encourage the behaviour.

Respecting Cetacean Behaviour

We do not chase or follow whales if they are moving away from us. If a whale shows signs of distress, we increase distance or leave the area. We limit time spent with a single whale or pod to 20-30 minutes to reduce cumulative impact.

Keeping a Distance

The caution zone is set at 50 meters, meaning vessels should avoid intentional approaches closer than this distance. Our captains often keep a greater distance than other boats to prioritize the safety and wellbeing of the whales. 

Note that distances at sea can be difficult to judge to the untrained eye, and what may seem close can be affected by perspective, making trained judgment essential in ensuring responsible encounters.

Vessel Coordination & Safety

When multiple boats are in the area, we coordinate to ensure only one vessel is in proximity at a time. We never box in or cut off a whale’s path, ensuring they always have an escape route. If another boat is already observing a whale, we wait our turn or maintain a respectful distance and try our best to not overcrowd the whale.

No Contact Policy

We do not touch, feed, or swim with whales and dolphins. We avoid interactions that could make cetaceans dependent on human activity. Our tours maintain a strictly observational approach, ensuring all encounters are natural and ethical.

Environmental Awareness

We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact by following sustainable practices both at sea and on land. We take great care to protect seabirds and their nesting areas, prevent pollution by actively reducing waste and emissions. Additionally, we participate in marine research and conservation efforts to support the long-term protection of whales, seabirds, and the marine ecosystem as a whole.

Responsible Viewing in Coastal Areas

When whales are close to land, we recognize that increased boat presence can be stressful for the animal and can limit their ability to navigate freely. If multiple boats are present, we coordinate where possible to avoid crowding and allow the whale space to move naturally. If a whale appears disturbed by vessel activity, we may observe from a greater distance or search for other wildlife.

Our Commitment to Conservation

Elding is a proud supporter of responsible whale watching practices and works closely with marine researchers to monitor whale populations, behaviors, and migration patterns. In addition, we conduct our own on-board research to better understand the impact of our operations and further improve our practices. By following a Code of Conduct, we help protect these incredible animals and ensure that future generations can continue to enjoy their presence in the wild.

Reporting Concerns

We actively cooperate with other tour operators to promote responsible practices and protect the welfare of the animals, while also advocating for better industry-wide guidelines to ensure sustainable whale watching for the future.

If you have any concerns about how whale watching tours are conducted in our region, or if you witness behavior that does not align with responsible whale watching guidelines, please speak with our crew, email us directly, or contact IceWhale!