Elding adventures at sea is a tour company that has been leading the environmental & sustainable path in tourism for years. The company uses 3 different environmental certification programs that all give great tools to the employees in becoming responsible and environmentally friendly.
Elding has been recognized both nationally and internationally for its outstanding work. The company received the environmental award of the Icelandic Tourist Board in 2008, the environmental award "Fjörusteinn" of the Associated Icelandic Ports, the environmental award "Kuðungurinn" from the Embassy of Environmental and Natural Resources 2017 and was nominated to the Nordic Council Environmental Award 2018.
It is Elding's aim, mission and goal to minimize the impact it has on the environment with its operation while offering an unforgettable experience at sea.
Discover the vital role of marine research with Elding. Our commitment to understanding the marine environment goes beyond the thrill of whale watching - it's about preserving the planet. A single photograph is a treasure trove of information and a series of photos can provide critical insights into migration, habitat choices, social associations, population growth and more. We use distinctive features, such as dorsal fin notches and fluke patterns as 'fingerprints' for individual identification, expanding our catalog with every tour.
Iceland has become an important destination for whale watching, offering a sustainable way to appreciate these majestic creatures in their natural habitat. Learn about the stark contrast between whale watching and whaling, and why choosing the former is crucial for protecting whales and Iceland's global image. Join Elding in the fight against whaling, and help make a difference through knowledge, conscious dining, and supporting responsible tourism. Visit Iceland, avoid eating whale meat, and go whale watching to support a brighter future for these incredible marine mammals.
Elding offers eco-friendly and educational tours that allow passengers to observe whales in their natural habitat while promoting marine conservation and environmental awareness. Our dedication to sustainable practices makes Elding a leading choice for anyone seeking an ethical whale watching adventure in Reykjavík or Akureyri.
Whale watching has been one of Iceland's top tourist activities since the mid 90's and has been subjected to remarkable growth in the last few years. The increase in boat traffic has raised concerns about the potential detrimental effects on cetaceans, mirroring concerns in wildlife destinations globally. Due to minimal comprehensive regulations governing whale encounters in Iceland, we at Elding take pride in our commitment to abide by a code of conduct for responsible whale watching, as well constructing and following our own stricter guidelines!
Elding is the leading family-owned whale watching operator in Reykjavik, Iceland committed to eco-friendly tourism. Discover our environmental credentials, sustainability policy, and dedication to minimising our environmental impact. With a focus on sustainability principles, we aim to maintain ecological processes and conserve natural heritage. Experience responsible whale watching with us while enjoying the ocean without disturbing its inhabitants.
IceWhale is the Icelandic Association of Whale Watchers, dedicated to fostering responsible and unforgettable encounters with cetaceans. Formed in collaboration with other Icelandic whale watching operators in 2003, IceWhale's mission extends to promoting responsible whale watching, supporting vital research on whales around Iceland and advocating for the creation of whale sanctuaries in prime whale watching areas while preserving marine life and the industry's sustainable growth.
Elding set the global standard for responsible whale watching by achieving WCA's certification in 2020. Learn how this international recognition guarantees customers the best whale and dolphin watching experiences worldwide and explore the world's largest network of whale and dolphin watching experts with the World Cetacean Alliance!
Explore Elding's remarkable journey through EarthCheck certifications, showcasing our unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and responsible tourism. From silver in 2008 to gold in 2013 and finally achieving platinum status in 2018, Elding sets the standard for eco-friendly practices in the tourism industry. Discover how our dedication preserves nature while offering unforgettable, sustainable experiences for its customers.
Elding started paying special attention to environmental issues in 2006 by integrating Green Globe (now EarthCheck) into our daily operations to get a clear insight of the matter within the company. When we were awarded Kuðungurinn, an environmental award of the Environmental and Natural Resources Agency, it was a significant recognition of our commitment to preserving Iceland's pristine natural environment for future generations.
Elding was nominated for the Nordic Council Environment Prize in 2018! We were nominated for decades of work on the protection of marine environment - which was the title of the environmental prize that year. We, the Elding family, are extremely proud of the nomination.
ImageDiscover how restoring drained wetlands can effectively combat CO2 emissions and revitalise ecosystems. Elding is a proud founding member of the organisation for wetland restoration and is committed to actively offsetting carbon emissions through this environmental initiative.
The Blue Flag is an international eco-label for beaches, marinas and sustainable boating tourism operators. The Blue Flag programme promotes sustainable tourism development in freshwater and marine areas. It challenges local authorities, beach operators and sustainable boating tourism operators to achieve high standards in the si
Your travel choices can make a great impact on nature, but by recognising this and adjusting your behaviour this impact can be reduced. Elding offers simple guidelines to minimize your footprint on our tours, from responsible waste disposal to wise resource usage. Join us in our commitment to environmental sustainability and share your feedback to help us improve for a greener future.
Travelling can have a great impact on nature. By recognising this and adjusting your behaviour, this impact can be reduced. We suggest choosing wisely and being thoughtful about the services you utilise.
The program Responsible Tourism involves setting goals in four key elements, which are that we recycle all waste that comes from our boats and offices and encourage our guests to do the same and have ecofriendly purchasing. Elding is a member of Vakinn, an Icelandic quality and environmental system as well as being certified by Blueflag and Earth Check