Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tour. Make sure to dress according to weather, as it is usually colder at sea than on land.



Report from Eldey: We set off for a snow adventure today. We had at least 3-4 snow storms during this tour but it all just adds to the fun! Not too long after setting off as we approached Videy we saw the blows of 2 humpback whales. We got to see them both lots including some fluke dives. They were feeding most of the time before one of them started to rest a bit. At this point we headed further out to see if we could find any of the other humpbacks we've been seeing recently. Without having to search for too long we spotted another blow of a 3rd humpback. A snow storm started as we found this one making it a challenge to spot it but we still saw it surface quite a lot before it seemed to vanish. At this point we were close to another whale so we had a look at them. It was one of the ones from the begining. It kept coming up within metres of our boat, it was so cool! We could see the full body of the whale under the water. We then spotted another blow of a whale, probably the 3rd one had now reappeared but it was much further away now. So we headed to have a final look at our first whale which was lunge feeding before going back to the harbour. In total we saw those 3 humpbacks as well as 6-7 grey seals.

- Rob Hyman

Bird species encountered today include:

Black backed gulls, black legged kittiwakes, black headed gull, Northern gannet, Northern fulmar, razorbill, eider duck, common guillemot, black guillemot, herring gull