Wednesday, 20 August 2008

Tour at 17:00

The wind dropped down a lot. A very nice and realxing tour we had. A lot of minke whales, at least 10-15 individuals surfacing all around, some busy in lunge feeding, and we could see them rolling under the water to entrap the fish. Birds were great as well: a lot of feeding gannets in fact were diving down to catch the preys


Tour at 13:00

Such a nice tour. The minke whales were feeding even more than this morning and they were, of it is possible even more spectacular. In fact, we had our first stop close to and area where 3 minke whales were feeding together. They were jumping mouth open, rolling on one side, the sand-eels were som many that we could sea them in school underwater and when the whales were coming to the surface the fish was jumping out. It was great! We went on and other 10-15 minke whales have been spotted.


Tour at 9:00

A nice sunny day and good sea conditions. We had a lot of minke whales, probably more than 15 duing the all tour. They were fast surfacing, lunge feeding and some were heading towards our boat just les than 10 meters. We saw also some white-beaked dolphins in a distance breaching for a lot of times!