Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Tour at 13:00

A wonderful afternoon today out at sea. Many puffins around and the whales as well were really impressive!! In fact, we had two different humpback whales today within a kilometer! One was very big and it rased the fluke many times, and one time it was at the surface stretching the long whiteish flippers and it was so close to the boat. The second individuals was a bit faster but we could recognize from the fluke that it was a different whale. So since the begging of May we had already four humpback whales here in Faxafloi!


Tour at 9:00

A very quiet morning we had today. We went out and the sea was very calm and few wind. Puffins were many on Lundey and it was very nice to spot them flying, and sitting close to their brething holes. Unfortunately, when we headed towards the whale-watching gournd we coudn't see any whales.