
The Viðey ferry is currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Brünnich’s Guillemot (Uria lomvia)


The Brünnich’s Guillemot is a high latitude species and differs in appearance to the Common Guillemot by its shorter, thicker bill with a white gape stripe. The guillemots are now the largest of the Auk family since the Great Auk became extinct in 1844.

Average Length:

41 cm

Average Weight:

930 g


69 cm


Sandeels, capelin, herring, crustaceans

Est. population around Iceland:

~ 330,000 pairs

Residence Period:

All year round

Nesting habitat:

Cliff ledges

Nesting Period:

Late May to Mid July

Clutch size (No eggs):


Incubation time (days):


Fledging time:


Typical life span (years):


Age at first breeding (years):


IUCN world Status:

Least concern

Major Threats:

Climate change, over fishing, predation, entanglement in fishing gear, pollution, overhunting

Stuttnefja, Polarlomvie, Pohjankiisla, Dickschnabellumme, Uria di Brünnich, Nurzykpolarny, Arao de Brünnich, Kortsnavelzeekoet, Guillemot de Brünnich, Polarlomvi, Arau de Brünnich, Spetsbergsgrissla

Average Length: 41 cm
Average Weight: 930 g
Wingspan: 69 cm
Diet: Sandeels, capelin, herring, crustaceans
Est. population around Iceland: ~ 330,000 pairs
Residence Period: All year round
Nesting habitat: Cliff ledges
Nesting Period: Late May to Mid July
Clutch size (No eggs): 1
Incubation time (days): 25-40
Fledging time: 16-35
Typical life span (years): 29
Age at first breeding (years): 5
IUCN world Status: Least concern
Major Threats: Climate change, over fishing, predation, entanglement in fishing gear, pollution, overhunting
Other Names: Stuttnefja, Polarlomvie, Pohjankiisla, Dickschnabellumme, Uria di Brünnich, Nurzykpolarny, Arao de Brünnich, Kortsnavelzeekoet, Guillemot de Brünnich, Polarlomvi, Arau de Brünnich, Spetsbergsgrissla