Saturday, 10 January 2015

It is supposed to be a little cloudy according to the forecast, however the aurora activity is good (3/9) :)


Sightings: a very strange night indeed. It was much thicker clouds for about half of the tour than any of the weather forecasts we checked had said and it also started to snow a bit. Hence it was hopeless for that part of the trip to see any lights but around the time when we were thinking about heading back, it started clearing up, yet no lights yet. It was only when we were inside the harbour and had given complimentary return tickets out that the lights started around the western part of Mount Esja. We turned the boat around, went again out of the harbour and spent a bit of time observing the lights before heading back home again. Everyone got to keep their tickets though and all in all it was a jolly night, even for sure it would have been nicer to have the lights earlier but at least it all went well in the end.