Tuesday, 20 January 2015

We are expecting partly cloudy skies, fairly calm winds and aurora forecast of 3/9.

Tour status: RUNNING

Sightings: The tour was cancelled last night due to the storm but it was great the wind had calmed down enough for us to venture out in search for the mysterious northern lights. It was snowing as we entered the boat we sailed on but as soon as we let go the ropes it stopped and stayed that was for the whole tour until we had tied the boat back up again.  We were hoping that the clouds would clear, which can happen in a blink of an eye in Iceland, they did clear a little but unfortunately not good enough because it stayed overcast for the majority of the tour. We checked the northern light forecasts and two of them, which are updated regularly now dropped to a 0. So, was not sure if the northern lights would be there even without the cloud cover. It was still a nice evening chatting to our passengers and its always incredible to see the city from the sea. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets and hope they return again in the next two years.