Wednesday, 16 December 2015


We are sailing out tonight to look for Northern Lights. We expect a moderate activity or a 3 out of 9 with partly clouded skies. Please contact us for further information at or +354 519 5000.

Sightings: According to the forecast it was supposed to get cloudy during the tour but luckily for us that never happened. The aurora activity level had also gone up from 3 to 5 so we were very optimistic for a good tour. Twice on the tour we saw glimpses of northern lights, they were faint and almost only visible with cameras set on long exposure. We even stayed for longer than usual out on the water but even so we never saw them clearly and for that reason all of our passengers got tickets to try again with us, hopefully they will be luckier next time :)

-Sigurlaug Sigurðardóttir