Sunday, 17 December 2023

northern lights cruise with no sightings

Sunday, 17 December 2023


Tonight's Forecast

Tonight we are expecting an aurora activity of 4/9, SW 5 m/s and 2°C. Moon is currently at Waxing Crescent and 25% illuminated. Partly cloudy skies are forecasted in the area.

Aurora activity: 4/9
Weather conditions: SW 5 m/s and 2°C
Cloud Cover:  Partly cloudy 
Moon status: Waxing Crescent and 25% illuminated


Report from Eldey: This evening we sailed out with quite a nice forecast. It was predicted to be a kp index of 4 and gaps in the sky. We sailed out into the darkness and saw lots of stars in the sky. In the beginning there were a few clouds but they all cleared up quickly. By half of the tour, we had clear skies in a very starry night, so we were only waiting for the lights to come out! Unfortunately, tonight they tricked us, even though it was forecasted to be a higher activity and we had less clouds. Therefore we decided to give out complimentary tickets so the passengers have another chance of coming back and seeing the lights again!

- Milla Brandao