Sunday, 27 November 2022
Tonight's Forecast
Tonight we are expecting an aurora activity of 3/9, N 6m/s and 2°C. Moon is currently in Waxing Crescent and 17% illuminated. Partly clouded to clear sky is forecasted in the area tonight.
Aurora activity: 3/9
Weather conditions: N 6m/s and 2°C
Cloud Cover: Partly clouded to clear sky
Moon status: Waxing Crescent: 17% illuminated
Report from Elding: After a great last few nights of northern lights we were excited at the possibility of more. The expectations were raised further after many passengers could see the lights on their journey to the ship. The conditions were almost perfect with little clouds in the sky and a good amount of solar activity. Almost immediately after leaving the harbour we could see the northern lights via our cameras. This quickly became visible to the naked eye, we could see a faint green next to the Imagine Peace Tower. The lights were wrapped around the beam almost as if they were paying tribute to John Lennon themselves. They continued to get brighter throughout the night. Towards the end of our tour the lights became more excited, they started to dance in the sky and we could now see some hints of red and pink. Jupiter and Mars were on show during the night as well as many other stars which was beautiful to see.
- Rob Hyman