Tonight's Forecast
Tonight we are expecting an aurora activity of 3/9, N 3 m/s and 5°C. Moon is currently at Waning Crescent and 43% illuminated. Clouded skies are forecasted in the area.
Aurora activity: 3/9
Weather conditions: N 3 m/s and 5°C
Cloud Cover: Clouded
Moon status: Waning crescent and 33% illuminated
Report from Eldey. We sailed into the bay in very calm but cloudy conditions optimistic that we would get some good gaps in the clouds on our cruise. We saw the beautiful beam of light from the Imagine Peace Tower in Viðey Island that was being fine tuned for being turned on in October. Despite our patience there was no break in the cloud cover and hence no Auroras were sighted so we offered everybody complementary tickets to return on another night to try again.
-Trausti Gunnarsson.