
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 22 October 2010

Tour at 13:00

This after noon we decided to check out a different area. We sailed around for a bit when we got news of a Humpback Whale so we changed directions and headed towards it. We finally got there and this was a Humpback Whale. It was displaying a huge blow surfacing about 3 times before each deep dive that lasted for quite long. We followed it for a little while until we had to start head back towards the harbour. So great to see that the Humpback is back and hopefully it will stay with us for longer this time. Tour at 09:00: We had an extra tour this morning. Great conditions out there and very peaceful. We searched for a long time until we first spotted a small pod of Harbour Porpoises. We were not able to follow them for very long but some of us were able to see them. Later during the tour we spotted another pod of Harbour Porpoises but it was the same with them we lost them quite early on. We sailed through areas were there were some Gulls, Guillamots, Raizorbills, Black Guillamots but unfortunately no more whales so we offered our passengers a complementary ticket to come again.