
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 23 July 2010

Tour at 20:30

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Tour at 17:00

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Tour at 14:00

We went quite far out like on our last tours today and we spotted a Minke Whale which was a quite good whale since it came close to the boat several times. After a while, another whale joined us. Sometimes they came up together very close to the boat. Those Minkes were rather long whales, probably around 10 meters long. On the way back home we went to the puffin Island were we saw a lot of cute puffins.


Tour at 13:00

The weather was quite rough today. Strong wind and it started to rain soon after we left the harbor. There were lots of Puffins around Lundey when we visited the island. Then we sailed out to Faxaflói searching for whales. It took us some time to find them, but suddenly on Minke Whale surfaced 150 m. from the boat. It surfaced only ones. Then we spotted some big splashes 800. m. in front of us. It was a breaching Minke Whale. And the whale breached many times.  When we came closer it stopped breaching.  It took us some time to find it again, but  with team work on board we found it again and another  Minke Whale feeding in the same area as many Gannets were diving down to the water to catch fish. It was quite spectacular to watch these elegant birds diving down in to the water and the Minke Whales coming up to the surface between them, lunge feeding. Wet, wild, rough but amazing tour.


Tour at 10:00

We heard about the breaching Minke whale from the 9:00 o´clock tour and headed straight out to the same area after visiting the puffin Island. We went far out and saw huge white splashes in the distance. We tried to get closer but the whale always breached away from us so when we finally got to the area, it stopped breaching. But we saw about 20 splashes in the distance. We then found another Minke whale but it only came up few times. The weather was windy and the sea was rough so it was an exiting trip for our brave passengers.


Tour at 9:00

The tour today was very windy and it was threatening to rain. We started the tour by visiting Lundy and actually saw quite a few Puffins considering the lack of them over the last couple of days. Then we headed straight out into Faxaflói Bay. It took us about 50 minutes before we saw our first cetacean. A Minke Whale surfaced a couple of times but it was very difficult to see as most of the time the body was hidden by the swell. Then suddenly there were splashes seen about a km or two away. Constant splashes caused by breaching White-beaked Dolphins. We tried to get closer but our attention was redirected to the beaching Minke Whale. It was amazing it must of beached at least 10 times so everyone got to see it. The best breaching Minke Whale weather. The seabirds were also loving the strong winds, Puffins, Guillemots, Fulmars, Skuas, Gannets, Arctic Terns, Storm Petrels, Gulls and Kittiwakes. Fantastic Tour.