Friday, 24 July 2009

Tour at 17:00

The wind had calmed down a little and the sun was shining this evening out on the bay. The whales were easier to observe on this tour than at 13 o'clock, they were many in the area and surfacing close to the boat with shallow dives in between. We got several good sightings close to the boat and we were also joined by a couple of active white beaked dolphins. One of them jumped up in the air several times and they were both swimming really fast. All in all it was a very nice tour :-)


Tour at 13:00 R

eport from Elding: The wind picked up a bit but it was still beautiful sunny in the afternoon. We found the whales at the same area like this morning. Again there were many feeding birds and lots of whales. The whales were not as cooperative as in the morning and the passengers had to show a lot of patience. They spent much time diving and stayed rather further away of the boat. But in the end of the tour we got two good and nice sightings. Two minke whales surfaced close to the boat!

Report from Hafsúlan: Similar tour as the one described for Elding. We were in a similar area as they, and the whales were not very cooperative with us either. We saw several minke whales but many of them surfaced far away and often just once before deep diving. We were however lucky a couple of times and saw one (or two?) minke whales surfacing close to the boat and got a good sighting. We also saw a couple of harbour porpoises several times. They swam away rather quickly though and were not very approachable. In the area where we were searching there were many feeding gannets, and they are always a joy to watch. It's a spectacular sight to see them plunging towards the surface!


Tour at 9:00

Like the last days the minke whales were all in one large area. There they were feeding along with many birds. It was particularly nice to watch gannets feeding! We spotted many minke whales and many of them surfaced close to the boat. The passengers  got good opportunities to watch the whales well!