Friday, 27 December 2024

Friday, 27 December 2024


Today's whale watching tour is on schedule from Reykjavík this afternoon! Remember to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow our thermal overalls if needed!


Report from Eldey and Hafsula: This afternoon we sailed out with two boats! Hafsula left first with Eldey closely behind! We both spotted 2 sneaky humpback whales hanging out in the surf by Videy but as this was a hard spot to stay in without the boat rocking too much we decided to head on. Hafsula was lucky enough to spot a tailslapping humpback not too much further so we both ventured there. Both boats took turns watching the different whales, we had one that was fairly calm and one that was a bit more active - both coming quite close to us on occasion. After some time with these two we ventured to the other side of Videy where we found 2 more humpbacks! Its always a bit tricky to tell if these are the two from the beginning or a different too as they were moving quite a lot, but in total during the tour we saw 4 humpbacks (potentially 5!). We sadly ran out of time and headed back home, again facing the snow! 

- Anna Richter and Emily Erskine

bird species seen throughout the tour:

European shag, great cormorant, black guillemot, common guillemot, razorbill, glaucous gull, Iceland gull, herring gull, great and lesser black backed gull