Friday, 30 April 2010

Tour at 13:00

Again we left the harbour for a date with the whales. Again we started early in the tour to see many, many Harbour Porpoises, up close and all around. It turned out to be difficult to leave them, every time we wanted to leave, another pod crossed our path. Finally we cut the cord and went out further to find the Minkes. Sure enough they were still in the same aria as this morning, at least eight individuals. At the start they were not very approachable but towards the end of the tour we had two of them soooo close. We are already looking forward to go out tomorrow.


Tour at 9:00

The excitement of our passengers was obvious as we sailed out to the whales. The sea was calm and the sun was peeking through the clouds. We had only been out for half an hour when we started to see Harbour Porpoises. There were a lot of them and everyone was able to observe them up close. After a while we went on and a few minutes later we encountered a pod of White Beaked Dolphins, among them a pair, sheltering their calf. Of course we left the small family and went further to search for larger cetaceans and soon we came to an aria with some Minke Whales. We observed them for the remainder of this nice tour.