Friday, 5 September 2008

Tour at 13:00

This afternoon the wind had picked up a little bit, but the sea was still pretty calm. We headed out again and sailed a bit further than this morning. We found a Minke whale, but then headed out a little further and found a Humpback whale! In the same area there were a few Minke whales, and a group of white-beaked dolphins, which stayed close to the Humpbacks side :) The Humpback whale breached! Then it breached again, and again... 5 times! A really amazing sight. After it stopped breaching, it was rolling about on the surface and slapping its long white side flippers on the surface. A great trip with some excellent sightings :)


Tour at 9:00

We had nice calm weather this morning as we headed out onto the bay. We soon spotted a group of Harbour Porpoises and were able to observe them for a while. We then headed out a bit further and found 3-4 Minke whales. They didn't come very close to the boat, but we had a nice look at them all the same. A nice relaxing trip :)