
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 6 September 2024

Friday, 6 September 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 13:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 10:00, 12:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 13:00, 15:00, 16:00


Report from Eldey : We had a cool, sunny summer morning for our first tour of the day, with no wind but a long, rather sizeable swell. We sailed to the west for almost an hour before we found a first humpback whale. That individual was a bit elusive and for the first few moments, we could only see its blow a couple of times. It finally reappeared and showed its fluke for a majestic deep dive. Another humpback was in the same area, and we could watch it traveling, diving several times until it surprised us by surfacing two meters from our boat ! where it stayed for a few instants before diving right back. We followed it for a little while more and even spotted a third humpback, also diving repetedly in the same area. Right before we turned back towards the harbour, we crossed the path of a minke whale ! and spotted at least one or two more blows in the distance as we were making our way back to Reykjavik. 


 - Olivia Garcia


Report from Eldey: Sailing out again this afternoon, the swell and wind kept picking up, but not enough to stop us from finding whales. Quite quickly we encountered 2 minke whales, very fast, which appeared a couple of times before disappearing, just enough for only some passengers to notice. They were, however, good omen, as we then found 3 humpback whales ! We managed to spend over an hour with one of them, who kept lunge diving and turning to show its belly the whole time, giving all a great show of its anatomy. As the conditions got worse and worse, we headed back home content of these sightings. 


- Alex Paumier