
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 8 June 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: When we left the harbor we already knew from our sister vessel Elding that we should start our search close to land. So we did not head far out and stopped already in the area around Grótta to start the searching. Just when we wanted to go further out into the bay we spotted a big blow in a distance. Regarding the size we were sure that it is a Humpback Whale!!! And it was a big one! We had to be patient as it was diving a long time but we could see it surfacing many times. It showed the giant Fluke several times and made huge blows! A great surprise and amazing experience to meet the Humpback so close to Reykjavík!!! A day could not end better than that!


Tour at 1400

Report from Elding. A little bit more wind and cloud at the beginning. But still good visibility and nice scenery around us. We got three species of cetaceans this afternoon. We spotted our two first minke whales but they were not that close to the boat. Later we had a good encounter with some more minkies much closer to the boat and a nice pod of harbour porpoises. Then for a while no minkies anymore so we go try to find something else and still nothing. Almost back to the harbour, we are floatting next to grotta, Akurey island in front left of us, and what do we see? A Humpback Whale just in front of the city Reykjavik very close to land in 12-15 meters deep waters. Incredible! We stayed with the humpback which was not that easy but still people could see it. Everybody was excited even if it was a little elusive, it came even few meters from the boat behind us. A french girl saw it first and was screaming very happy to see it so close! Then before going to akurey to see thePuffins a huge flock of Eider Ducks took off in front of us! So beautiful and one Red Throated Diver was flying with them. What an exciting tour!


Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: Again we sailed into an calm and peaceful bay. On our way out we stopped at the Puffin colony Akurey where we saw a lot of the cute birds. Once we were a bit further out in the bay we met a pod of 4 to 5 Harbor Porpoises, we had a short look at. Then we went further out and came into a area with 5 to 8 Minke Whales surfacing in different directions. They were great to look at and challenged us as we had to be fast in changing the side of the boat. On the way back we met one more Minke Whale and a pod of 3 to 4 Harbor Porpoises in the same area. A great end of a brilliant tour in sunny weather.


Tour at 1000

Report from Elding. The weather was perfect, good visibility and very calm sea that we could see snaefellsnes volcanoe. A lot of Arctic Terns through the tour and Puffins on Akurey island.We spotted quickly our first two minke whales when arrived in the whale area. But in total throughout the tour, we saw about 8 different minkies not that far from the boat and sometimes 15-20 meters from us. But also 2 or maybe 3 different pods of harbour porpoises, easy to see, and between 20 to 60 meters from us. Was a perfect tour and people were happy when they left as well as the crew.


Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: Starting our day in Reykjavík we stopped at first at the Puffin colony Akúrey. After that we sailed into a calm and beautiful bay. Once we were further out we stayed in an area with 7 to 10 Minke Whales that surfaced in different distances. We even found to travelling side by side which were very nice to look at. During the hole tour we could spot some Harbor Porpoises in different areas all in all it might been 10 to 15 of them. A great start into a amazing day with many Minke Whales all around us.