
The Viðey ferry is currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Friday, 9 February 2024

Friday, 9 February 2024

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 9:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tour. Make sure to dress according to weather, as it is usually colder at sea than on land.

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00


Report from Eldey: We sailed out in a cold wind coming from the East but the waves were amazingly short, it was more like sailing a frozen lake! About 10 minutes after we left berth, we saw a splash and 2 blows belonging to 2 humpback whales!! The first one was doing peduncle throws, probably interacting with the other humpback, and then... it breached 50 meters away from us!!! Not once, not twice but three consecutive times!!! Amazing start to our morning tour! we kept watching this individual since it was very active. It started to do several short fluke dives, which are always great for photos. We then went to see the other humpback at the harbour's entrance. This one was a bit more elusive but still provided some good moments. We then went on to try to see more animals but we only saw grey seals near the harbour buoys. We saw the first individual again and then went back to the harbour wrapped in our cozy overalls.

- Pedro Teixeira


Report from Eldey: on our journey this afternoon we started feeling the very fresh air on our faces, keeping us very much awake and ready to spot any sign of whales or dolphins around. So right after leaving the harbour, we spotted a big blow in the distance, coming and going. Before going there, we even spotted another blow on the other direction! So we had 2 humpback whales in the area but we decided to check one at a time. So this one was performing the most beautiful fluke dives, showing off its very white fluke and going for deeper dives before popping up and appearing very close to us! A very loud blow was heard and sometimes we couldn't even see it, just the big blow because of how close it was. We decided to give it a bit of space when it started logging and check the other one out. This one was very active, I've never seen such a fast whale! Popping up here, there and everywhere, it lunge fed in our direction, in which we could see its big mouth full of water and food. Since it was even hard to keep on track on it, we decided to check the first one, that in fact was not far away at all, so we didn't even need to move much. After this, we went to take a loop, seeing the beautiful views of Esja mountain and even of the whole Snæfellsnes peninsula shining with the sun, since the visibility was incredibly good. We then returned to the same area where we even found a third whale closer to the shore, popping up very unpredictable as well. What a beautiful day at the sea!

- Milla Brandao

Bird species encountered today include:

harlequin duck, herring gull, razorbill, common gull, eider duck, great cormorant