
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 15 July 2024

Monday, 15 July 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00; 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 20:30
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00, 20:00

Today we will be operating our Classic Whale Watching on our lovely vessel Eldey at 9:00, 13:00, 17:00 and 20:30 and our just as lovely Elding I at 11:00 and 15:00. Our Premium Whale Watching tour will operate on Þruma I-V at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, 16:00 and 20:00.


Report from Eldey: Finally a sunny day and beautiful morning! After a few rainy days in Reykjavik the sun came out and so did we! We started our journey sailing to Faxaflói bay searching for amazing wildlife!  We enjoy our morning coffee with beautiful landscapes and calm seas for about 40 to 50 minutes before we sighted in the distance a big blow! We approached it carefully looking for fluke prints in the water and then we finally saw it! A Humpback whale! The whale was quite calm and resurfaced slowly closer and closer to the boat allowing us to enjoy her company! We were able to see some beautiful fluke dives as well before we decided to turn around and start sailing back to the harbour with happy smiles after a great morning to start our week! 

- Maria Ernesto


Report from Hafsula: Summer is finally back - hopefully it will stay a while! On this sunny day we set sail into Faxafloi eager to see what we would get, and we were not dissapointed. After a long sail out we saw a blow in the distance - twas a humpback whale! This individual was likely feeding and came quite close to our boat on multiple occasions. We think it was feeding as it was changing directions quite frequently and swapping which sides of the boat! Because the sun was shinning so much, the water looked very clear and nearly tropical. This meant we could very clearly see the pectoral fins through the water which look like white angel wings. After some time together, we did not want to overstay our welcome to we continued further on. Only five minutes of sailing and we spotted some small splashes, it was a pod of 8 white beaked dolphins. They started off jumping and then quickly turned to feeding and were also swimming all around the boat. Even though we would love to have spent all day here we saldy ran out of time and had to head back. On the way back Faxafloi was not done with us and we saw 2 minke whales - making our species count to 3 species of cetaceans! 

- Anna Richter


We sailed out in a incredibly beautiful and calm bay of Faxafloi. We decided to check out an area where we had sightings on the previous tours. After a while we saw a few splashes on the surface that turned out to be caused of a pod of around  6 white beaked dolphins. They seemed very calm and were travelling very slowly. Near the pod there was also a quite elusive minke whale that surfaced twice close to our boat. The very lucky ones on board got to see it. On our way back there were also 2 harbour porpoises that came up right in front of aour boat all of the sudden. We enjoyed our way back to Reykjavik in the beautiful Icelandic sun.

-Lasse Roggenkamp


Report from Hafsulán: We set sail on a splendid sunny afternoon with the sea as a plate. We started exploring hot spots of the last tours but we didn't had the same luck. After a while and enjoying the beautiful views with a lot of flocks of birds in the horizon, we spotted a beautiful minke whale which popped up a few times. We were feeling the vibe just enjoying the moment and also listening the exhalation of it. We decided to leave it and still exploring the bay and few minutes ago we saw another minke whale. That one was so elusive and we only had the opportunity to spotted 2 times. So we decided to go in our way and after an amazing sighting of a great skua trying to steal arctic tern fish we saw A HUGE POD OF WHITE BEAKED DOLPHINS jumping around. It was an amazing encounter because there were about 20 dolphins or more, it was a beautiful encounter because they were very sociable, diving under the ship and also doing bowriding. We spent a few minutes and a lot of sightings were so close to the ship. We started returning to the harbor while we saw the dolphins in the distance. The tour was so nice and all the passengers looks so excited!!! 

- Sergi Gonzalez


Report from Eldey: Our tour started with promising sea conditions and amazing blue skies as we sailed out looking for excitement! The journey took us around 40 minutes before we spotted a blow still very far. As we were headed there he had no doubts! A humpback whale! The whale showed us it's beautiful fluke multiple times appearing quite calm and getting closer to our boat! We enjoyed the moments this gentle giant before we decided to continue a bit further and search for new species! Just 10 minutes after we started seeing some jumps and splashes in the horizon... White beaked dolphins! A very large pod of about 50 individuals swam rapidly around our boat! We could really appreciate their beautiful pattern as they were bow riding with us! We then decided to start our journey back but not without saying goodbye to the humpback whale! And as we got closer it breached!! Absolutely amazing, followed by a big slap with her pectoral fin!! This was the perfect ending to our journey and we returned home with big smiles on our faces!


Report from Eldey: we sailed out after a few grey nights into a gorgeous setting sun, with patience and a good mood we went on our adventure. After a bit of sailing we saw some activity and headed towards it! When we sail out we have a few signs we look for and one of those is splashes and blows! After getting closer we spotted it was a minke whale! This one came up a few times and then headed on. We were then joined by a pod of 15 white beaked dolphins. This was a very active pod, often jumping and swimming all around the boat! It was quite nice to see the orange sun reflect on their bodies as they came out of the water. We stayed with them as long a we could and then had to head back home. On the way back we did see another minke, this one came much closer to the boat and stayed with us for a bit!

- Anna Richter

bird species we encountered today:

Arctic tern, Northern fulmar, Northern gannet, razorbill, black guillemot, common guillemot, Atlantic puffin, black legged kittiwake, herring gull, black gacked gull, Arctic skua