Monday, 27 May 2024

Monday, 27 May 2024

Today we will be operating our Classic Whale Watching on our lovely vessel Elding at 9:00, 13:00 and 17:00 and our Premium Whale Watching on Þruma at 10:00, 11:00, 14:00 and 15:00

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00, 17:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 10:00, 11:00, 14:00, 15:00


Report from Eldey and Hafsulan: Sailing out with 2 boats carrying over 200 passengers, we sailed out into the calm sea, hoping to continue the streak of sightings recorded. We first encounter several white beaked dolphins, which seemed to be almost 8 pods throughout the tour, with over 35 individuals. These groups were first very deviant and elusive, but we soon found a pod that enjoyed bowriding with us for a while. Later on, we found 4 minke whales, one of which came to dive close to us, for all to see its arched back. As we headed home, 3 minkes and 2 pods of dolphins reapperaed on our way, a good omen for the rest of the day.

- Alex (Paumier) & Aleks (Lechwar)


Report from Eldey: Going out again this afternoon, we hope to reiterate the sightings of this afternoon. Our coveted spot of interest was again full of birdlife, looking very active. We soon realized a feeding frenzy was ongoing, as both birds and cetaceans ate plenty all around us: we managed to spot 5 minke whales with some passing quite close to us. In between these sightings, a pod of 5 white beaked dolphins came across our path for all to enjoy. We headed back ending this tour with everyone on the boat having enjoyed fully the experience.


- Maria Ernesto


Report from Eldey: We sailed out in the late afternoon, hoping to repeat the sightings of the previous tours. Far out the bay, we encountered firstly 2 very elusive minke whales, that we never really managed to get close to. Whilst trying to spot these individuals, 2 white beaked dolphins came across us and disappeared just as fast. Sadly, we had to leave our spot due to the time; but this is when we had another minke whale passing by, with which we stayed as long as possible. Finally, we continued our path home, only to be again stopped by a relaxed pod of 6 white beaked dolphins, calmly enjoying our presence, finishing the tour on a high note.


- Maria Ernesto   

Birds encountered today were:

Atlantic puffin, Northern gannet, Arctic skua, Northern fulmar, black guillemot, common guillemot, eider duck, black legged kittiwake, herring gull, great black backed gull, lesser black backed gull, manx shearwater, Arctic tern