
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 28 May 2012

Tour at 17:00

(Report from Hafsulan) On this tour we tried to find the Humpback whale again, but as nature is very unpredictable it changes very fast and we didn't find it. We did however find one of our favourite Minke Whales called Donut that we have seen many times, every year since 2007. Obviously Donut new our boat very well and let us get close to him with him surfacing very close to us on occasion just 10-20 meters from the boat. We also saw Harbour Porpoises a couple of times but there was only one pod that we saw very well and that we could also show the passengers as most the time as soon as we said porpoises, they were gone. As we were heading back to the harbour we were also lucky to see a pair of White-beaked Dolphins, which looked to be a mother and a calf as one was larger than the other and they surfaced at the same time side by side. A wonderful tour, eventhough we couldn´t find the Humpback again.

Tour at 13:00

(Report from Hafsúlan) We went first to Akurey island to see the puffins. There were many of them flying in circles above the island some swimming on the surface. We sailed then out to the main whale watching area and just before arriving, we spotted our first Minke Whale,then a second, both on each side of the vessel. We've seen in total 3 Minke whales and sometimes really close to the boat 15-20 meters. But then at 12 o'clock 50 meters away, a Humpback Whale arched its back surprising us. We followed him or her, and it was amazing to see it surfacing between long dives and trying to figure out where it will pop up again. We got a good view of the diving behaviour with this long arching back and the fluke coming out of the water while going to a vertical deeper dive. People got a nice view of it and left the boat with a very big smile.

Tour at 09:00

(Report from Hafsúlan) We started our morning tour under perfect conditions - the sun was shining and it was almost no wind. We visited first Akurey island and we saw many Puffins. As we went out of sea we saw a group of White-beaked dolphins. We continued our tour and after a while we were surrounded by minke whales. We saw at least 15 Minke Whales. Several of them were very close to the boat. The sea was so calm that we even could sea very clear a group of Harbour Porpoises close to the boat. It was an amazing tour and it was impressive to see three different cetaceans.