
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 30 August 2010

Tour at 17:00

OMG what an AMAZING TOUR!!. The sea was mirror calm and the visibility cleared quite a lot. We headed out into Faxaflói Bay and after about 30-40 minutes we saw a large pod of Harbour Porpoises (5-10 individuals) surfing the waves towards us. We couldn´t stop though because we got word of an area where there were whales surface feeding. We arrived, wordless, overwhelmingly, mind-blowing astounding amazement. Surface feeding Minke Whales as far as the eye could see, one lunge feeding Humpback Whale once surfacing only 10 meters from us, Harbour Porpoises joining in on the fun and boiling waters of fish everywhere and if that wasn´t enough White-beaked Dolphins to end the tour perfectly. AAAARRRRRHHHHHHH!!!!


Tour at 13:00

We had a lovely tour this afternoon. After sailing for 50 minutes we spotted lots of feeding birds in one area. There were Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Guillemots, Shearwaters and Gulls. There were also many Minke whales feeding there. The sea was full of fish, and it was like the surface was boiling all around the boat. The whales were very busy feeding, some surface feeding and surfacing very close to our vessel many times. We turned of the engine and enjoyed the wild nature. On our way back a small group of Harbour porpoises crossed our path. 5-6 animals and they were not shy at all. Very nice group. Perfect ending on a fantastic tour ;)


Tour at 9:00

Today was not the best weather wise, it was drizzling and the visibility wasn´t great but the sea was calm even though there was a slight swell. We headed out into Faxaflói Bay was saw a couple of Puffins fly by, nice to see that they are still about. Then we saw a dorsal fin in the distance, yes a Minke Whale. It only surfaced once before disappearing but we did notice that there was also a couple of small pods of Harbour Porpoises which were really nice to watch for a while. After leaving the Porpoises and sailing for a bit longer we saw some breaching White-beaked Dolphins. They were breaching loads but as we got closer they stopped. Our attention then suddenly got transferred to a fast surfacing Minke Whale that seemed to be surface feeding. Before we knew it we were surrounded by Minke Whales. They surfaced only 20 meters from us, lunge feeding and also surfing the waves. It was great we turned of our engines and watched nature at its best. Unfortunately we couldn´t find the dolphins again but the Minke Whales were just fantastic. Great Tour!!