
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 4 June 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: Once more we headed into Faxaflói Bay. The sun was still shining, just the wind picked up a bit, and so the sea wasn't that calm than in the morning. We stopped at Akurey again on our way out to have a look at the Puffins. There was not that many than in the first tour but still we could see those little cute birds. After that we headed further out into the bay were we first met a pod of 2-3 Harbor Porpoises that surfaced only a few times. So we went further out and encountered a Minke Whale, sadly this one surfaced only a few times again, so we went on in hope to find an easier one to look at. The rest of the tour turned out to be very difficult, we searched in a great area of the bay but only spotted one more blow from far away. As we could not find any whale, dolphin or porpoise to get a better look at, we decided to give everyone on board a complimentary ticket to try to find the whales again. A long tour with more wind and just a few difficult cetaceans


Tour at 14:00

Rreport from Elding: Again the weather was just wonderful in Reykjavik and in Faxafloi bay, eventhough the wind picked up a little. Still quite a calm sea. When we reached our whale area, all of a sudden, not even10 meters in front left of the boat a breathing Minke Whale, wow people got just so surprised! We ve seen a lot of other individuals, at least 6 minkies this afternoon many times really close, showing not only the backs and dorsal fins but also the blow holes and the mouth when surfacing. from the beginning to the end harbour porpoises were in the area and quite a big pod. They sometimes surrounded the minkies. We had very good looks at them very close to the boat and at the end we could even see two of them swimming under the surface very fast and see the fluke beating the water to speed up. Amazing tour again ! on Akurey the puffins were less numerous but still funny to see them walking on the grass, flying and floating.


Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: Again we started in brilliant weather from Reykjavík older harbor into a calm bay, we decided to head straight out and stop at the Puffin Island on the way back. It did not took us along time until we spotted the first pod of 3-4 Harbor Porpoises, that we had a short look at. As they are often shy we headed on in hoping to find the Minke Whales from the morning tour again. Not far away two of them surfaced but nearly at the same time we spotted a pod of White Beaked Dolphins, where we headed straight at to have a closer look on them. They were great surfacing many times, coming close, even diving under the boat! They were between 6 to 8 individuals in different sizes! After we had a great show we decided to go back to the Minke Whales and we also got a great look at them. Two surfacing at the same time together coming so close to the boat, that we could hear their blows very well. A different tour than in the morning but again a great experience in the marine life with three different species in wonderful weather. Great tour!!!


Tour at 10:00

Rreport from Elding: This tour was just great, with amazing whales! We've seen I think in total not to mention the whales far away 10-12 Minke whales maybe more individuals. The sea was just so calm and flat... impossible to have a calmer sea. The arctic terns were out too and feeding in the same area than the minke whales which made us think that the whales were feeding on krills today. The highlight of the tour was a surprising Breaching minke whale (jumping minke whale), which breached very high above the water with a big splash once and had 2-3 small ones later on. The passengers at the front of the boat got a very good look at the breaching minke whale and got very excited since it was not that far like 70-80 meters and suprised us at 12 o'clock. To top it all we saw several time ssome pods of cute brownharbour porpoises sometimes really close to the boat that we could see the shape under the surface. We headed back to the harbour but stopped at Akurey the puffin island, and there were many of them. All in all with the perfect weather and scenery of faxafloi bay, this tour was just amazing!!!


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed from Reykjavík today, stopping at Akurey the Puffin Colony on our way out. With thousands of those small cute birds around the island we already had a good start into the day. Once we headed on it did not take us long to find the first Minke Whale!!! And it turned out not to be only one, there were between 7 to 12 of them in an area very close to Reykjavík. It was amazing to find so many of them just on our way out into the bay. We stayed a long time there and turned our engines off, so we could fully enjoy the pleasure of being with those fascinating animals in their natural environment. All this so close to land was for us all a great surprise! We heard their blows, while they surrounded us, surfacing in different distances. On the way back we still had some time left, as the whales were close to land and we had not to search them, so we decided to go an other way back and to have a look at Engey a small island. There we found an other surprise, as there were two seals on the coast of the island. We came back into the harbor after a great tour with many Minke Whales and two Seals and this all in a calm bay with sunshine and almost none wind! How could a day start better than that?