
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Monday, 9 July 2012

Tour at 13:00, 14:00, 17:00 & 20:30

Unfortunately we had to cancel the remainder of today's tours because of bad weather conditions.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Skrúður: We weather was very beautiful in the bay when we headed out this Monday morning. We started the tour by visiting Lundey the puffin island before heading out to search for the whales. But as soon as we got little further out we saw that the weather was getting very bad. It was very windy and soon we found out that it was impossible for us to get any further out. We did not want to risk anything and specially when it comes to safety so we headed back to the harbour and we hope to see our passengers again in a little better weather.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather looked very nice as we went out on our morning tour. First we visited the puffin island Lundey but as we went further in the bay we recognised the high waves very quickly. This was a difficult tour since the boat was very rocky and the boat was rolling with the waves. We saw two times a blow of a minke whale and saw also once his back and the dorsal fin but unfortunately he disappeared than. We found another minke whale but also this guy dissappeared too quick. We were very happy as at the end of our tour we found a group of white-beaked dolphins. We saw 5 to 7 individuals and we could follow them a bit.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: We started the tour on the Puffin island Lundey in a beautiful sunny weather but on the way offshore we noticed really quikly by the white caps on the waves that the wind was more strong than expected. In that kind of sea condition it gets more difficult to spot a black back, a blow or even some splashs. After a while searching we saw two times a Minke Whale and soon after having lost this individual we found a group of five to seven White-Beaked Dolphins playing in the waves. They came really close to the boat so we could watch theire beautiful skin coloration and then it was time to make our way back. The sailing back was really rough and some people felt a bit seasick some other got wet so I guess everybody was happy to step the ground at noon but I hope those sick people will keep some good memories of this trip, the dolphins sighting was great !!