Saturday, 15 March 2025

humpback whale fluke

Saturday, 15 March 2025

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 9:00, 13:00

Today's whale watching tours from Reykjavík are on schedule. Remember to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow our thermal overalls if needed!


Report from Eldey: On the way out of the harbour we started to feel the waves from the swell created out of the way, since there was little to no wind. We sailed like true ocean explorers and after passing Grötta we saw a glimpse of a minke whale! That was it... nothing else, classic minke. We continued our journey heading towards a few fishing boats. We were happy to see a blow from a humpback whale! We went close to it, and it came up for air, which was super close to us! We could even see the barnacles on its dorsal and also its fluke! amazing encounter, but we were very far from the land, so we started to go back to the harbour.

- Pedro Teixeira


Report from Eldey: We set sail today with the weather a bit overcast and some gentle swell on the water. It wasn’t the clearest day, but we were still hopeful. We spent a good amount of time cruising around Faxaflói Bay, keeping our eyes peeled for any signs of cetaceans. Sadly, the sea didn’t give us much to work with. The only sighting of the day was a lone harbor porpoise. It appeared just briefly, darting out of the water once, and then it was gone. We searched the area thoroughly, but no other creatures decided to make an appearance. To make up for the quiet trip, we handed out complimentary tickets to everyone on board so they can come back and try again. Hopefully next time, the whales will be a bit more cooperative!

- Mariana Veloso

Bird species seen today include:

Northern fulmar, Northern gannet, black guillemot, raven, eider duck, black-legged kittiwake, great black-backed gull, glaucous gull, lesser black-backed gull