
The Viðey ferry is currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Saturday, 3 February 2024

Saturday, 3 February 2024

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 9:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tour. Make sure to dress according to weather, as it is usually colder at sea than on land.



Report from Eldey: We set off in the dark and snow this morning and before we knew it we had found a humpback whale! Less than 5 minutes after leaving the harbour this gentle giant surfaced very close on our right side. We saw this whale surface a lot close to us before it disappeared in the dark and snow. But as the sun rose it became lighter and we found it again and got to see a few fluke dives. We then moved on to close to Videy again and found another 2 humpbacks and 3 grey seals! One of these humpbacks came really close many times and also spy hopped very close to the boat 3-4 times which was so special. We also saw some lunge feeding from these whales. At times because of the snow the visibilty reduces massively but we could still see these amazing whales. We then headed back after a wonderful snowy adventure.

- Rob Hyman


Report from Eldey: This afternoon we had an equally adventurous tour! We sailed out seeing the thick clouds on our way out! We were then met with snow but only 10 minutes after sailing we spotted two humpback whales! We were very lucky to see them and then not long after it turned out it wasnt only 2 humpback whales but actually 3! We stayed with these whales for the tour, always taking turns between the whales as not to stress them. They were all a bit fluke shy but in the end we did get to see a few beautiful fluke dives. One of the whales even spy-hopped a few times which is always magical. During the tour, we had wind, snow, sun and always lots of birds! We eventually ran out of time and had to make our way back.

- Anna Richter

bird species encountered today:

black guillemot, common guillemot, Northern fulmar, great cormorant, European shag, razorbills, herring gull, glaucous gull, black backed gull, eider duck