Thursday, 2 July 2009

Tour at 17:00

Data missing


Tour at 13:00

The ocean had the same wonderful colour like this morning and we found the whales again at the same area like this morning! Again we had a wonderful tour with many minke whales. We sailed between the whales and got several closer to the boat. Once we stopped the engine and we could enjoy the life and the ocean without noises from the engines. Another wonderful tour!!!


Tour at 9:00

The ocean was greenish in colour today, something we don't have very often. But this was just perfect for our whale watching tour because we could spot the dark whales much easier this way. It was just fun out there in the bay! We had for sure about 10 up to 15 minke whales in the whole area. We got some of them closer and I guess we got to watch between four to six individuals. They were all feeding there between many birds, we saw many puffin, too.  Because of the colour of the ocean we could see the whales often swimming right under the surface and could be ready at the right time when they finally came up to breath! Just fun!!!