
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Thursday, 22 July 2010

Tour at 20:30

This trip began at Akurey, one of the two puffin colonies around Reykjavik.  Most of the puffins were in the water or air and a lot of fun to watch.  Then we headed out into Faxaflói Bay to the most popular "hang out" for the whales, unfortunately after searching for them for 2 hours we were unable to find them.  Everyone was offered a complementary return ticket. However,  for those who were understanding and a little adventurous (the weather was a little rough) apparently had a great time.


Tour at 17:00

We started our tour with a stop at the Puffin Island Akurey. After this stop we went straight out into Faxaflói bay. We started to look for whales and spotted a Minke Whale. When we came closer to the area we also spotted some diving Gannets. We stayed in the area and suddenly many Minke Whales surfaced all around the boat. There were at least 6 Minke Whales or more in the same area. They surfaced all around us and some came really close to the boat so we still saw them under the water surface. We just stayed in the area for a while and just watched the Minke Whales and Gannets diving for fish. When suddenly some Harbour Porpoises jumped out of the water just next to the boat. t was amazing to see them so active around us. We came really satisfied and happy back to the harbour after this amazing trip!!!


Tour at 14:00

This trip we headed straight out to Faxaflói again. The wind had picked up a little but conditions were still very good. On our way out there we spotted one Minke Whale and when we headed little bit further out we spotted so many Gannets plunging down into the water. There were so many of them there and then we started spotting the Minke Whales and before we knew it we had at least 4 Minke Whales swimming around us and 3 of them came very close to the boat. After a little while we then started seeing more of them and we had found at least 4-5 more Minke Whales. One started coming very close to the boat and then it started swimming around the boat again and again rolling right underneath the surface showing us the belly only 1 meter away from the boat, it felt like we could reach out and touch it, this was so amazing and it kept swimming around us for at least 20 minutes. After a wonderful time with the whales we then ended the tour with a stop by Akurey where the Puffins where showing their best.


Tour at 13:00

Again we sailed out straight to Faxaflói and soon found some very many feeding gannets, simply all around. Then we found a Minke Whale rather quickly and soon they were just everywhere, sometimes coming really close to the boat. When waiting for the minkes to surface we noticed some Harbour Porpoises coming really close to the boat so for a rather long time we had Minkes, Porpoises and Gannets all around the boat. Fantastic! We then sailed to Puffin Island Akurey and saw many Puffins, Arctic Terns, Arctic Skua, Fulmars and Gulls. Another great tour!


Tour at 10:00

The weather was great this morning and the sun was shining most of the tour. We headed straight out to Faxaflói bay. Along the way we spotted many birds like the Gannet, Raizorbills, Guillmots, Shearwaters, Fulmars, Puffins, two flocks of feeding birds but never the whales, after a long search we then spotted one Minke Whale. It surfaced 3 times and then went for a deeper dive and we didn't see it again. Before we knew the time was running out so we headed to Akurey to see the Puffins.


Tour at 9:00

We sailed out straight to Faxaflói and there was a bit of a swell out on the sea. We searched for about 45 minutes before finding a huge flock of feeding birds and underneath there were some splashes. When getting closer we could find a Minke Whale just under the birds. In a few minutes it came lunge feeding under the birds making huge splashes! We had some researchers on board and they estimated that the surface feeding whales we saw were at least two different individuals, maybe even three. Around us we then saw many other Minkes, some of them coming really close. There were also very many feeding gannets around, diving into the water making some splashes. We then sailed to the Puffin Island Lundey and saw quite many puffins there. A great tour!