Thursday, 30 October 2008

Tour at 13:00

It was a beautiful day with lots of sunshine and little wind. Just before we left the harbour we got a phone call from a fisherman, who told us that he had seen a humpback whale close to Keflavík, which is some distance from our usual whale watching area. We thought about it for a while and decided to sail all the way there and try to find the whale, because we hadn´t very much luck the last days finding whales in our usual area. It took us quite a while to get there and the crew was especially full of anticipation about finding out whether we made the right decision. Very close to the coast we finally spotted a blow, and indeed it turned out to belong to the humpback whale. Everybody was happy and very excited. The whale was a huge, impressive animal and it made a particularly loud noise when it was breathing, like it was talking to us. Once it surprised us and came up only two meters in front of the boat to breathe. The whale looked familiar to us and we think we also saw it earlier this summer. We stayed for about half an hour with the whale and watched it breathing and lifting its huge tail.