Thursday 6 May 2010

Tour at 13:00

As we went out again after lunch there was absolutely no wind. Visibility was strange. It was almost impossible to distinguish between the calm mirror like sea and the gray foggy sky. We encountered the first cetaceans, White-beaked dolphins, quite soon. It was a group of 6-7 individuals, busy doing dolphin things. We stayed with them for 15 minutes before going further, just to find some nice Harbour Porpoises. After enjoying them we sailed for 15 minutes before we found two really nice Minke Whales. We saw them, especially one of them, many, many times close to the boat. Very nice tour today.


Tour at 9:00

The visibility was a little bit better today than the last couple of days (about 200 meters) but a lot of us did get a bit wet from the drenching drizzle. It didn't take us long before we came across a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins (3/4 individuals). They were great for a while, leaping out of the water and surfing the wakes made from our boat but they soon got fed up with us and become more elusive so we left them to it and went on our way. The next species we came across were the Harbour Porpoises. We saw a few pods of these, one group was surfacing loads so everyone got a great look. We also saw two Minke Whales in two different areas coming quite close to the boat (50-80 meters) on occasion. Just goes to show that poor visibility doesn't mean poor tour. Birds we came across were Puffins, Guillemots, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Gannets, Arctic Terns and one Sooty Shearwater.