
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: After a rather dull start we spotted two subsequent blows in the beautiful evening light. After a while of waiting the minke whale finally showed us its shiny back and dorsal fin. It didn't surface again so we moved on. After turning the boat around in disappointment as we were running out of time, we spotted a minke whale again and this might have been the same individual we saw earlier on. It surfaced four times quite close to our bout before we had to leave it and head to puffin island. The whole tour there were quite a few puffins and lots of arctic terns around. On the island, which was full of puffins, we got to see eider ducks aswell! Although the whales were being elusive and quite difficult today, we got some good sightings!

Tour at 1400

After visiting Akurey we headed out to find the whales. First we found a resting minke whale. It was very close to the boat boat after seeing it few times it disappeared and we headed further out. We found one more minke whale but this one was little bit elusive and hard to follow, but even though we could watch it few times surfacing not far away from the boat. We found few harbour porpoises and one of them came very close to us and we could see the whole body under the surface! After that nice experience we searched for a long time without any luck. A little bit difficult tour but at least two minke whales and harbour porpoises.

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind calmed down alot on this tour which was lovely. Still a little cold heading into the wind at the beginning of the tour but nice and warm on the way back especially with clouds clearing and sun shining on our face. The city also looked beautiful in this light. On this tour we saw three Minke Whales, two that we saw very well and the third far away very quickily. We also saw many Harbour Porpoises at least (10 -15 scattered individuals). All in all the whales and porpoises were quite busy or elusive but occasionally they would come close and let us see them properly and you could even hear the sound of the blow. At the start of the tour we also went to visit the puffins on Akurey. So many paddling, flying and standing around. All in all, a pretty good tour.

Tour at 1000

We started this tour with Akurey to see the puffins, and wow there were so many puffins at home this morning! Then we headed out to search for the whales. It did not take us very long time to spot a minke whale! This one surfaced many times in front of us and was constantly changing direction! We were not sure if we had one or two minkies, but we stayed in that area for the whole tour were we enjoyed the wildlife very much, where we had the minkies and few harbour porpoises.

Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: On our morning tour we had to go relatively far out in order to find the whales. The first cetacean that we spotted was a white-beaked dolphin that swam close to the boat. Unfortunately we saw him only a few times and than he disappeared. While we were still searching for this dolphin suddenly we spotted also a harbour porpoise in front of the boat. But also this guy disappeared quickly. We continued our journey and finally we found a minke whale. We could spot him several times but in between we had to be a little bit patient since it took always relatively long until we spotted him again. All in all we saw three different species on our morning tour which was nice.

Birds seen on todays tours include; Arctic terns, Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Seagulls, Gannets, Skua´s and Eider Ducks.