
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Tour at 13:00

Again we headed out from Reykjavík and the weather was just about the same as this morning. After searching for along time we spotted something black sitting on the surface. When we got closer we saw it was Great Northern Diver. Quite a spectacular bird and not often seen so far out. But the luck was not with us this afternoon, finding the big whales. And we were on our way back when the captain spotted very small splashes. And there they were, a big pod of Harbour Porpoises, I guess we saw more than 20 animals and this pod was not very shy. And at one point we saw about 10 of them surface at the same time. They came often up to the surface so we could see them very clearly. We stayed with them for a while but then our time was over and we sailed back to the harbour.


Tour at 9:00

We sailed today onboard Elding. The weather was a little grey and some rain offshore but other than that the conditions were perfect for whale watching. Only 15 minutes after leaving Reykjavik harbour we saw the largest flock of puffins we´ve seen since last summer. It was really great to see so many so early in the season. About 15 minutes after seeing the puffins a crew member spotted a Minke Whale but the Minke was a little bit stubborn and obviously didn´t want to be watched so we heading further offshore. Then suddenly one of the passengers shouted 5 O´clock!! and yes a Minke Whale that was more than happy to viewed and surfaced close to the boat enough times so that everyone could get a picture. On the way home we were also lucky to encounter a small pod of Harbour Porpoises. Great tour :)