Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Today's whale watching tour from Reykjavík is on schedule! Remember to dress according to weather and feel free to borrow our thermal overalls if needed!
Report from Eldey:
The weather was warm with a fresh breeze of icelandic air. We headed out of the harbor with the hope to find a Humpback Whale close by. We were lucky, because exactly that happened. We were just infront of Esja the big mountain of Reykjavik, when we spotted a blow. So we went there and found the best Humpback we could've asked for. It was showing itself for a long time, over and over again. Coming to the surface to breath every 30 seconds. After a while it went down for a fluke dive, without showing us it's fluke. Suddenly 2 Seals appeared and were looking at us curiously. Maybe they shared a meal with the Humpback Whale and the 2nd one that appeared out of nowhere. So once our first Humpback appeared again, we followed him, as well as the Seals. After showing us the same behavior than before, he granted us a look at his beautiful fluke ! So we waited for it to come up again and while we were waiting all of a sudden there were 4-5 Seals around, peaking out of the water and watching us, how we were looking at them. :D So after spending some quality time with "our" Humpback, we had to head back to the harbor. It was a great tour !
- Kylie Veal