Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Tour at 13:00

A fantastic day and an even better tour! Soon after we started searching we spotted our first minke whale. It surfaced at least five times but was far away. When we finally got closer to it we waited and waited but it didn't come up again. Shortly after giving up on it we spotted another minke whale. Here we played the same game: we waited and waited and waited and then gave up. But then we spotted a huge blow far in the distance and heading towards it we found a humpback whale! And this one we didn't lose! It showed typical behaviour, like coming up to breathe several times, and it always lifted its fluke before going down for a deep dive. Once while we waited for the humpback to surface, a minke whale suddenly appeared quite close to the boat. So in the end we had two really nice sightings: a humpback and a minke whale.