
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Tour at 20:30

We set off this evening and began looking for the whales. When dealing with wild nature we sometimes have to be really patient, and that's what our passengers were this evening. We had been sailing for an hour and a half before we spotted the first Minke whale. We came to a great area where there were some feeding birds and 3 feeding Minke whales, one of which was rolling underneath the spot where the birds were feeding. It was difficult to start heading back to the harbour because our passengers kept shouting out the they could see whales! We had at least 5 or 6 Minke whales around and a beautiful sunset as a backdrop. So we had a really nice tour this evening which we ended with a short stop at the puffin island Akurey.


Tour at 17:00

The weather was really good during this tour. The sun was shining and the sea was pretty calm. We started the tour with a stop in Akurey where the Puffins were doing their daily stuff. The Arctic Terns also gave us a show when all of them suddenly flew up. Then we headed out and only few minutes after we left Akurey few started to notice huge flocks of feeding birds. There must have been at least 7 different flocks there. We search the area carefully but there were no whales there, so we headed on. Soon we spotted another large flock of feeding birds and right underneath the birds we spotted massive splashes. That was a Minke Whale. When we got closer we spotted at least 3 more Minke Whales there and later another 3 later on. Brilliant ending of the day.


Tour at 13:00

The sun had really started to shine and the weather was just lovely despite a little wind and we started this second tour of the day by going straight to Akurey. There were still very many puffins flying around the island and some on the ocean around it. Then we headed out to Faxaflói and started the search. We stopped in the same place where we spotted the dolphins in the morning tour but unfortunately we could not find them again so we headed onwards. We then saw a Minke whale coming up to the surface two times before going down for a deep dive. It then came up again and surfaced two more times. We then left this Minke and headed onwards to try to find something more but it turned out to be quite a difficult search. We ended up searching for about 90 minutes without seeing any whales but as we were getting closer to the harbour again we spotted a very nice pod of harbour porpoises! They ended the tour in style and two of them were very playful and we could see them under the surface for a rather long time. Difficult whales but still a nice tour.


Tour at 9:00

This first trip of the day started with a stop in Akurey where we visited the puffins. When we got to the island it was very quiet and many of the puffins were sitting on the surface and on the island itself. Very beautiful in Akurey this morning. When we got out to Faxaflói we had to search for a while until we spotted our first Minke whale. It surfaced several times before going for a deeper dive. Not so far away from this one we spotted two other Minke whales! Time was then running out so we started to head back. Pretty close to land we then came across a rather large pod of White beaked dolphins and at one point one of them was swimming really close to the boat, around it and under so we could see the whole dolphin. A great ending to our tour!