Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Tour at 13:00

The wind had picked up a bit in the afternoon. We went directly to the area where we had all the whales this morning. First we spotted there a few harbour porpoises and soon some white-beaked dolphins, but no minke whales. We stayed for some while with the dolphins and decided later to keep on searching for other species. We came to an area with many, many feeding gannets and not far away from them we suddenly spotted our first blow. Our patience got rewarded and from time to time a minke whale popped up. Sometimes very close to the boat, maybe just fifteen meters away! At the end of the tour we had some nice sightings!


Tour at 9:00

This morning the sea was pretty calm and we set off towards our usual whale-watching area. When we arrived we found several groups of white-beaked dolphins all around in one quite large area, some of them were even jumping!! A little bit further on we came to a great area where there were many Minke whales. Probably 10-20 in the area! Some we observed from a distance, but quite regularly the whales would surface pretty close to the boat, so it was a really nice trip.