
All ferry departures to Viðey are currently suspended due to construction. Service will resume once completed!


Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Wednesday, 28 August 2024

  • CLASSIC WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 11:00, 13:00, 15:00, 17:00, 19:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 09:00, 10:00, 15:00, 16:00
  • PREMIUM WHALE TOUR | 12:00, 13:00


Report from Eldey : Flat seas and good weather this morning for our first tour of the day, despite a strong northern wind as we were heading out in Faxafloi. It took us time to find any animal, only birds seemed to be present in the bay : we even spotted some remaining Atlantic puffins swimming and flying over the water. Near the end of the tour, we finally found a traveling humpback whale. It was going at a steady pace and as we followed it, it went for a couple of gorgeous fluke dives. Soon after we headed back to Reykjavik under a constant weather and summer sun. 

- Olivia Garcia


Report from Elding: This morning we had super calm silver seas and a hazy sky on our way out. We knew the wind would eventually turn so took a trip round the islands to see if anything was hiding there. After about 40min of sailing we spotted a big blow on the horizon and went for a closer look! It was Mr. Bubbles the humpback whale! Mr. Bubbles came up extremely close to the boat and we could see its pectoral fins so clearly through the water! It then dove under our boat and popped up on the other side. We managed to watch this humpback for most of the tour before heading back to harbour. 

- Anna Richter


Report from Eldey: We sailed out with the sun shining and calm seas this afternoon. We were very lucky this tour t find a Humpback whale less than half an hour sailing away from port, inbetween the islands here in the bay. We got to follow along this individual for a long time ad it wad casually travelling away from shore, further out into the bay. We got multiple very close surfaces and got treated with fluke dives from all different angles. In the end, it was time to say goodbye to this animal and give it some well deserved rest.

- Milan Vansteelandt


Report from Elding: Once again we set sail info Faxafloi looking forward to what was in store this afternoon! This time we had a similar plan to the morning, the wind had dropped and the mountains had come out of the clouds. We quickly spotted Mr. Bubbles again, the humpback whale, again. This time still feeding but much more active with lunge feeding and tail slaps included! We got to see its pretty white pectoral fins and pattern on its fluke! We stayed together for a bit enjoying the sun that came out as well. Eventually we ran out of time, watched one last fluke dive and sailed home.

- Alex Paumier


Report from Eldey: There was a low northwestern wind blowing over the bay today and a bright sunshine greeting us into Faxaflói. It didn´t take us long to spot the blow of a humpback whale who was swimming exceptionally close to land. The whale was busy following fish, itself being followed by birds trying to catch some spilled fish. This humpback (they are on average 14 meters) was swimming in waters only 3-4 meters deep! This incredible feat meant that we watched the whales from a respectful distance, but we could stay with him for a very long time. After an exploration round into the bay and to look at the ashcloud of the volcano, we went back to the humpback for a few last looks before it was our time to head back to harbour. 

- Eline van Aalderink


Report from Elding: We left Reykjavík´s old harbour with an incredibly sunny sky and warm temperature, an ideal weather. Yet, as we ventured into the bay, the cold wind became noticeable and made quite a few of our passengers go inside our ship, to our bar where they could have some hot drinks and wait for a whale to appear. But they didn´t have to wait for long, as we came into the presence of a humpback whale feeding quite close to shore. We hung around for a while with this beautiful giant, as it came up for air multiple times, before going back to hunting in the shallow waters, near the coast. Later on, as we were scanning the bay for more wildlife, a small group of 2 harbour porpoises passed near our ship for a very brief instance, allowing for only some lucky passengers to see them. As darkness approached, we set course back towards Reykjavík, sailing with the sunset behind us and an amazing view of the Reykjanes peninsula's volcanic eruption.

-Ricardo Mendes

Bird species encountered during our trips today were:

Northern fulmar, Northern gannet, Atlantic puffin, Manx shearwater