Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 3/9
Weather conditions: E 6 m/s, 11°C 
Cloud cover: Semi clouded
Moon status: Waxing Gibbous, 97% illuminated

Tour at 22:00

Report from Elding: The cloud forecast was up and down today and we were not sure if we made the right decision to go out at first. However, it was only low cloud and this can open up very quickly and as we were cancelled the last 3 nights we really wanted to give it a go. WE WERE SO SO SO SO HAPPY WE DID!!!! At first a green strip was noticed over head and it just got better and better throughtout the evening. Northern lights danced, colours were vivid and pinks and purples fringed the incredible aurora. The skies opened up to get a nice selection of star constellations and the northern lights continued to be magical. A wonderful evening to be on the water and sit back watching the aurora. 

- Megan Whittaker