Tour status: RUNNING
Aurora activity: 4/9
Weather conditions: s 6-8 m/s, 7°C
Cloud cover: Partly clouded sky 
Moon status: Third Quarter, 50% of the Moon is Illuminated

Report from Eldey: At the sight of the many clouds covering most of the sky when we sailed out of the harbour, it was hard to believe too much in our chances of seeing Northern Lights. But once we stopped ourselves behind the island of Viðey, we started noticing a green halo above the clouds covering the mountain Esja. The Northern Lights were there! Even though we couldn't really make out their shape or movements, they were bright enough to even show themselves through the thinner clouds. In one short moment of clear patchy might sky we even saw a slow moving ribbon of green light across the stars. The Lights never really faded away but were always mostly covered by the clouds. Still a great show and we could still catch glimpses of them as we sailed back to the city.

- Rémi Bigonneau